Applying effects
Selective Focus
You can create a quick miniature effect (also known as a tilt-shift effect)
so that the scene in a photo resembles a miniature model or toy. The
illusion is created by adjusting the depth of field, usually across a
specified horizon line, and increasing the saturation of the photo.
An urban scene (left) appears to be transformed into
a miniature model (right).
You can also use Selective Focus to apply a quick depth of field effect
to any photo. For general information about depth of field, see
“Controlling depth of field” on page 81.
Photo tip: Photos taken from high vantage points usually make the
best candidates for a miniature effect.
You can fade the edges of a photo to create a vignette effect. You can
control the appearance of the edges by choosing a shape and color
(light or dark), and adjusting the amount of blur, glow, and feathering.