Applying effects
The Selective Focus dialog box appears. You can maximize the
dialog box to increase the size of the Before and After panes of
the preview area.
In the Area of focus, click one of the following tools:
• Planar Selection Tool
— the default tool for setting a linear
area of focus. It is effective at setting an area of focus along a
road, bridge, or other linear element that isn’t along the edge of
your photo.
• Half Planar Selection Tool
— lets you set a linear area of
focus along the edge of a photo
• Radial Selection Tool
— lets you set a circular area of focus
In the Before pane of the preview area, when your pointer displays
the move cursor , drag the area of focus to the position you
Drag the rotation handle (the box at the end of the short line) to
rotate the area of focus.
Drag a sizing handle (on the solid lines) to set the edges for the
area of focus.
Fine-tune the results by dragging any of the following sliders:
• Blur amount — determines the amount of blur outside the area
of focus
• Feather edge — determines the softness of the transition
between the area in focus and the blurred areas. You can also
adjust feathering interactively by dragging a feathering handle
(on the dotted lines) in the Before pane.
• Saturation — determines the intensity of the colors in the
photo. Increasing saturation can help simulate the vivid paint
colors used for models and toys.