Working with colors and materials
To use the current colors with all tools, mark the All tools check
box on the Materials palette. If you unmark this check box, the
current materials are used by the active tool only.
Choosing colors from an image or the desktop
You can choose a foreground or background color from any open
image, or from any color within Corel PaintShop Pro (such as a color
on a toolbar). This feature is useful when you want to use the color of
a specific icon, or when you want to match the Windows desktop
colors. If you have Windows 2000 or a later version of Windows, you
can choose a color from other applications (such as a color displayed
in a word processor).
To choose a color from the active image
Edit workspace
On the Tools toolbar, choose the Dropper tool
On the Tool Options palette, set the options you want:
• Sample Size drop-list — specifies the pixel area for sampling
• Use all layers check box — mark this check box to sample from
all image layers
Click a color in the image to make it the foreground color, or
right-click to make it the background color.
You can also choose a color from the image while using brush
tools, such as the Paint Brush or the Eraser tool, by holding
down Ctrl and clicking in the image to choose a foreground
color or right-clicking to choose a background color.
When the Color Picker is open, you can choose a color from any
open image regardless of the currently selected tool.