Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc.
IOF-550 Permold Series Engine Maintenance Manual
1 April 2007
accessory manufacturer’s instructions. Pursuant to Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR)
§43.13, each person performing maintenance, alteration or preventive maintenance on the
engine or accessories must use methods, techniques and practices prescribed in the ICAs
or other methods, techniques, or practices acceptable to the Administrator.
1-1.5. Order of Precedence
Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) engine operating instructions are generated prior to
and independently of the aircraft operating instructions. TCM operating instructions are
developed using factory controlled parameters that are not necessarily the same as those
specifications required to satisfy a specific aircraft/engine installation.
The aircraft operator must use the airframe manufacturer’s
operating instructions found in the Airplane Flight Manual
/Pilot’s Operating Handbook/ (AFM/POH) while operating the
aircraft unless the AFM/POH directs otherwise.
Refer to the AFM/POH published by the airframe manufacturer for operating instructions
and specifications relative to your aircraft.
New or updated Instructions for Continued Airworthiness may
be contained in TCM Service Documents. Service Documents
applicable to the engine or accessories within the scope of this
manual must be consulted and complied with prior to
performing any installation, maintenance, or overhaul
New information contained in service documents may override the instructions contained
in this manual. Prior to commencing engine maintenance, consult TCMLINK to verify
the current status of the ICAs relating to the intended procedure.