Index 198
accelerator error log 92
accelerator status 93, 94, 95
ACPI support 62
ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 71
adapters 95, 100
additional information 88
ADG enabler dongle is broken or missing 95
ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility) 77
ADU error messages 92, 112
Advanced ECC support 122
Advanced Memory Protection (AMP) 122, 123
advisories 87
application software problems 64
array accelerator 112
array accelerator battery pack 170
array accelerator board 92, 93, 95, 99, 100,
102, 110, 112, 148, 149, 151, 170
array accelerator memory size change
detected 151
array accelerator module 159
Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 71
array controllers 105, 158
Array Diagnostic Utility (ADU) 77
array status 113
ASR (Automatic Server Recovery) 73, 172
ASR timer failure 134
AT commands 57, 58
audio 56
audio problems 56
authorized reseller 186
auto-configuration process 69
automatic backup 82
Automatic Server Recovery (ASR) 73
backplane, error codes 179
backup issue, tape drive 53
backup, restoring 63
batteries, insufficient warning when low 40
batteries, replacing 43
battery 40, 43, 100, 112, 142
beep codes 122
BIOS Serial Console 70
blank screen 54
blue screen event 173
board in use by expand operation 95
board not attached 95
boot options 70
boot problems 66
booting problems 43
booting the server 43
cable problems 57
cables 20, 102, 107, 108
cables, troubleshooting 20
cables, VGA 55
cabling 89
cabling problem 163
cache error 100
cache, disabled 95
cache, replacing 93
Care Pack 81, 88
cautions 15
CD-ROM drive 43
Change Control 81, 87
checksum failed 147
color 55
COM port 142
command syntax 65
command-line syntax error 65
common problem resolution 20
common problems 20
configuration errors 107, 108, 135
configuration of system 68, 90
configuration signature 96
configuration tools 68
connection errors 58, 59
connection problems 20, 57
contacting authorized reseller 186
contacting HP 186, 187
contacting technical support 186
controller 109, 110, 112
controller failure 96, 150
controller state 116