Advanced Configurations
original role – it will become a spare drive again and start rebuilding
the failed drive.
5. The “Detect, Clone+Replace” Function:
In \View and Edit Configuration Parameters\Drive-side SCSI
Parameters\Drive Predictable Failure Mode <SMART>, choose
“Detect, Clone+Replace.”
Make sure you have at least one spare drive to the logical drive.
(Either Local Spare Drive or Global Spare Drive)
When a drive (a logical drive member) detects the predictable
drive failure, the controller will “clone” the drive with a spare drive.
After the “clone” process is finished, it will replace the source drive
immediately. The source drive will be stated as a used drive.
If you want to see the progress of cloning, press
to clear the
notification message and see the status bar.
The source drive’s status will be defined as an “Used drive” and will
be immediately replaced and pulled off-line. This drive should be
replaced with a new one as soon as possible.