R E V I E W D R A F T # 1 — C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco WRP500 Administration Guide
Chapter 3 Configure Voice Services
Configure Dial Plans
This section includes information that you need to understand dial plans, as well as procedures for
configuring your own dial plans. This section includes the following topics:
“About Dial Plans,” on page 11
About Dial Plans
This section provides information to help you understand how dial plans are implemented.
Refer to the following topics:
“Digit Sequence Examples,” on page 12
“Acceptance and Transmission the Dialed Digits,” on page 14
“Dial Plan Timer (Off-Hook Timer),” on page 15
“Interdigit Long Timer (Incomplete Entry Timer),” on page 15
“Interdigit Short Timer (Complete Entry Timer),” on page 16
Digit Sequences
A dial plan contains a series of digit sequences, separated by the | character. The entire collection
of sequences is enclosed within parentheses. Each digit sequence within the dial plan consists of a
series of elements, which are individually matched to the keys that the user presses.
White space is ignored, but may be used for readability.
Digit Sequence
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * #
Enter any of these characters to represent a key that the
user must press on the phone keypad.
to represent any character on the phone keypad.
Enter characters within square brackets to create a list of
accepted key presses. The user can press any one of the
keys in the list.
Numeric range
For example, you would enter
to allow the user to
press any one digit from 2 through 9.
Numeric range with other characters
For example, you would enter
to allow the user to
press 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, or *.