R E V I E W D R A F T # 1 — C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco WRP500 Administration Guide
Appendix B Data Fields
Applications and Gaming
Identify the category by choosing Application, Online
Games, MAC Address, or Ethernet Port.
Application: Application: Select an application from
the list or click
Add a New Application
Enter a Name: A name to identify the application.
Port Range: The range of ports for this application.
You can have up to three ranges to define for this
bandwidth allocation. Port numbers can range from
1 to 65535. Check your application’s
documentation for details on the service ports used.
Protocol: Choose TCP, UDP, or Both.
Priority: Select the appropriate priority: High,
Medium (Recommend), Normal, or Low.
Online Games: Select a game from the list, or click
Add a New Game
Enter a Name: Enter any name to indicate the name
of the entry.
Port Range: The range of ports for this game. For
example, ito allocate bandwidth for FTP, enter
21-21. If you need services for an application that
uses from 1000 to 1250, you enter 1000-1250 as
your settings. You can have up to three ranges to
define for this bandwidth allocation. Port numbers
can range from 1 to 65535. Check your
application’s documentation for details on the
service ports used.
Protocol: Choose TCP, UDP, or Both.
Priority: Select the appropriate priority: High,
Medium (Recommend), Normal, or Low.
MAC Address:
Enter a Name: A name for the device.
MAC Address: The MAC address of the device.
Priority: The appropriate priority: High, Medium
(Recommend), Normal, or Low.
Ethernet Port
Ethernet: Select the appropriate Ethernet port.
Priority: Select the appropriate priority: High,
Medium (Recommend), Normal, or Low.