R E V I E W D R A F T # 1 — C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco WRP500 Administration Guide
Chapter 3 Configure Voice Services
ATA Software Features
Other ATA Software Features
The following table summarizes other features provided by the WRP500.
Silence Suppression
“Silence Suppression and Comfort Noise Generation,” on page 10
Modem and Fax
Modem pass-through mode can be triggered only by predialing the
number set in the
Modem Line Toggle Code.
(Set in the Regional
FAX pass-through mode is triggered by a CED/CNG tone or an
NSE event.
Echo canceller is automatically disabled for Modem pass-through
Adaptive Jitter Buffer
The WRP500 can buffer incoming voice packets to minimize
out-of-order packet arrival. This process is known as jitter buffering.
The jitter buffer size proactively adjusts or adapts in size, depending on
changing network conditions.
The WRP500 has a Network Jitter Level control setting for each line of
service. The jitter level determines how aggressively the WRP500 tries
to shrink the jitter buffer over time to achieve a lower overall delay. If
the jitter level is higher, it shrinks more gradually. If jitter level is
lower, it shrinks more quickly.
Adaptive Jitter Buffer is configured in the Line and PSTN Line tabs.
Appendix A, “Advanced Voice Fields.”
International Caller ID
In addition to support of the Bellcore (FSK) and Swedish/Danish
(DTMF) methods of Caller ID (CID) delivery, ATAs provide a large
subset of ETSI-compliant methods to support international CID
equipment. International CID is configured in the Line and PSTN Line
tabs. See
Appendix A, “Advanced Voice Fields.”
Secure Calls
A user (if enabled by service provider or administrator) has the option
to make an outbound call secure in the sense that the audio packets in
both directions are encrypted. See the
Adjustable Audio
Frames Per Packet
This feature allows the user to set the number of audio frames
contained in one RTP packet. Packets can be adjusted to contain from
audio frames of 10ms to 30ms. Increasing the time of packets decreases
the bandwidth utilized, but it also increases delay and may affect voice
quality. See the RTP Packet Size parameter found in the SIP tab in