R E V I E W D R A F T # 1 — C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco WRP500 Administration Guide
Appendix B Data Fields
Setup > Connection Recovery
Recovery & Failover
Ethernet Connection Recovery
When this feature is enabled, the Internet connection is
made through the Ethernet interface if it is available.
This feature also enables the Interface Connection
Failover feature, so that a connection failure on the
Ethernet interface causes the WRP500 to attempt to
bring up the connection through the mobile network if
available. Whenever the Ethernet Internet connection
recovers, the WRP500 automatically attempts to bring
back and recover the Ethernet Internet connection.
Ethernet Connection Recovery requires that the Mobile
Connection Mode is set to Auto and the Ethernet
interface is set to the high priority.
Interface Connection Failover
When this feature is enabled, the WRP500 detects the
physical connection and/or presence of traffic on the
Internet link. If the link is idle for some time, the
WRP500 attempts to ping a destination. If the ping
does not reply, the WRP500 assumes the link is down
and attempts to fail over to another interface.
This feature is automatically enabled if Ethernet
Connection Recovery is enabled.
Specify the time interval at which the WRP500 detects
the status of the Internet connection.
Default: 60 seconds
Failover Validation Site
Optional. A ping target for the WRP500 to use to detect
the status of the Internet connection. If you do not
specify an IP address here, the WRP500 uses the
Network Time Protocol (NTP) server as the ping target.
WAN Interfaces
The interface: Ethernet or USB
The status of the interface: Connected or Disconnected
Determines which interface is used when both
interfaces are available. The priority is indicated by the
order in which the interfaces appear in the Summary
Table. This setting is configurable only when Ethernet
Connection Recovery is disabled.
Default: Ethernet interface has top priority.