Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide
Appendix A System Messages
Error Message and Recovery Procedures
Error Message
PM-4-BAD_PORT_NUMBER: An invalid port number ([dec]) was detected
An invalid request was detected by the Port Manager.
Recommended Action
No action is required.
Error Message
PM-4-BAD_VLAN_COOKIE: An invalid vlan cookie was detected
An invalid request was detected by the Port Manager.
Recommended Action
No action is required.
Error Message
PM-4-BAD_VLAN_ID: An invalid vlan id ([dec]) was detected
An invalid request was detected by the Port Manager.
Recommended Action
No action is required.
Error Message
PM-4-ERR-DISABLE: <error reason> error detected on <intf>, putting
<intf> in err-disable state
The errdisable feature detected a certain error on the interface named <intf>. The
interface is disabled due to an UDLD error. This message is proceeded by the UDLD error message,
which explains the exact UDLD error that occurred on the interface. This is a protective measure that
puts the interface in error-disabled state when it detects a misconfiguration or misbehavior. The
switch attempts a recovery after the recovery interval expires (default is 5 minutes).
Recommended Action
Correct the UDLD problem and restart the interface by using the no shutdown
interface configuration command. Alternatively, you can enable port by using the errdisable
recovery global configuration command. When the errdisable interval expires from the time the port
is disabled, the errdisable feature tries to restart the port. If the specified UDLD or other UDLD errors
occur again, the interface again shuts down. This cycle continues until the error goes away, or the
recovery for that reason is disabled.
Error Message
PM-4-ERR-RECOVER: Attempting to recover from <error reason>
err-disable state on <intf>
This is an attempt to restart the interface after shutting it down to error-disabled state.
This happens when the recovery is configured for the <error reason> and when the errdisable
recovery time has elapsed.
Recommended Action
No specific action is required. The errdisable feature tries to recover the
interface by restarting the port. If the interface is disabled again due to the <error reason>, correct
the cause of the error.