Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide
System Messages
This appendix describes the IOS system messages specific for the switch and contains these sections:
Overview, page A-1
How to Read System Messages, page A-2
Error Message Traceback Reports, page A-4
Error Message and Recovery Procedures, page A-4
This switch software release is based on Cisco IOS Release 12.0. It has been enhanced to support a set
of features for the Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches. This appendix provides system
messages that have been created or changed for these switches. This appendix does not provide Cisco
IOS Release 12.0 commands and information already documented in the Cisco IOS Release 12.0
documentation on Cisco.com.
From CMS (Reports > System Messages), you can display the system messages of the
Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches when they are in a cluster where the command switch
is a Catalyst 2950 switch running Release 12.1(6)EA2 or later or a Catalyst 3550 switch running
Release 12.1(8)EA1 or later. The System Messages option is not available from the Catalyst 2900 XL
and Catalyst 3500 XL switches.
The system software sends IOS system messages to the console (and, optionally, to a logging server on
another system) during operation. Not all system messages mean problems with your system. Some
messages are purely informational, and others can help diagnose problems with communications lines,
internal hardware, or the system software. Each message includes the message itself, an explanation of
the problem or condition, and, if available, a recommended course of action.