Revision 1.3a
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Verifying that XLR 500 is Operational
This section helps the user to identify that the XLR 500 link is fully functional after installation. If
the device appears to be not working or to be malfunctioning, user should refer to the
troubleshoot section ( section 6 ).
Checking the Status of Power Connection
XLR 5xx, DC Powered
Verify that the device is connected to an operational AC to DC power adapter.
Check if the device is powered on: power LED may be ON constantly.
XLR 5xxA, AC Powered
Verify that the device is connected to an operational AC power cable.
Check if the device is powered on: power LED should be ON constantly.
Checking the Status of LAN Port Connection
Verify that a CAT-5 UTP cable is connected from one of the device’s 10/100 Mbps LAN ports to
an operational network device.
Verify that the LAN port LINK LED (left-sided LED on each port)s are ‘ON’, indicating that a
connection has been established between the equipment and the other network device.
Verify that the LAN port’s RX LED and TX LED are blinking when traffic is flowing into the port
(traffic being received) or out through the port (traffic being transmitted), respectively.
Checking 2BASE-TL Connection
Verify that telephone lines (copper-pair cable) are connected to a 2BASE-TL port.
Verify that two devices connected via their 2BASE-TL PMEs display ‘link up’.
1 If a device configured as CO and another configured as RT are connected by copper-pair e
through their 2BASE-TL ports they should “link up”. Each PME’s link-up state is indicated by its
LED being lit.
-2 If the LEDs don’t light up after an enough sync time, 2BASE-TL connection isn’t linked up.
Configuring XLR 500 through a Console Connection
As described in Connecting the Console Port user may plug the console cable the 9 way serial port on
their PC and the RJ socket on the XLR 500
Configure the communication settings of the PC’s terminal program, as below.
Console Port Terminal Settings
Baud rate: 38400 bps
Data bit:
No parity
Stop bit
1 stop bit
Hardware flow control set to off