Powerheart® AED G3 Elite 9790A and 9790E
70-02053-31 A
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I give CPR while the AED is analyzing?
A: The operator should stop CPR compressions during the analysis
phase as indicated in the current AHA/ERC guidelines.
Q: Can I transport the victim while the AED is analyzing?
A: No. Vehicle motion may cause noise artifacts that could
interfere with proper cardiac rhythm analysis. Stop the vehicle
when cardiac rhythm analysis is necessary.
Q: Is it safe for the AED to provide a shock to a patient lying on a
conductive floor, antistatic floor, or a metal surface?
A: Yes, it is safe. Using a Powerheart® AED on a patient lying on a
conductive floor, antistatic floor, or a metal surface does not
create a safety hazard for either the device user or the patient.
Q: Do I need to prepare the chest prior to pad application?
A: Special preparation is not usually necessary. The chest should
be as clean, dry, and as oil free as possible. Follow your Medical
Director’s instruction.
Q: What happens if the battery is low?
A: There are several Battery Low conditions that the AED will detect:
Battery Low detected - AED not in use: If a low battery condition
is detected during a self test, the AED will beep once every 30
seconds. Remove the battery and replace with a fresh battery.
Battery Low detected – AED in use: When the red LED initially
lights up—upon lid opening or at any time during a rescue—a
BATTERY LOW prompt will be issued at once. However, the AED
is capable of delivering at least 9 defibrillation shocks after the
first BATTERY LOW prompt is issued.
Battery too low to charge AED during rescue: When the AED
is not capable of delivering any more shocks, a BATTERY LOW
prompt is displayed until the battery is replaced or AED activity
To continue the rescue attempt, leave the lid open and replace
the battery. When the battery replacement takes longer than
60 seconds, the first rescue is terminated and the AED begins
to record the events from then on as a separate rescue.
Troubleshooting and Maintenance