Program Send command
Program Send is a feature of data logger support software.
program statement
A complete program command construct confined to one command line or to multiple
command lines merged with the line continuation characters <space><underscore> ( _).
A command line, even with line continuation, cannot exceed 512 characters.
A CRBasic command for declaring and dimensioning variables. Variables declared with
Public can be monitored during data logger operation.
An electrical signal characterized by a rapid increase in voltage follow by a short plateau
and a rapid voltage decrease.
Describes a type of measurement or a type of math. Ratiometric usually refers to an
aspect of resistive-bridge measurements - either the measurement or the math used to
process it. Measuring ratios and using ratio math eliminates several sources of error from
the end result.
A record is a complete line of data in a data table or data file. All data in a record share a
common time stamp. Data tables are made up of records and fields. Each row in a table
represents a record and each column represents a field. The number of fields in a record
is determined by the number and configuration of output processing instructions that are
included as part of the DataTable() declaration.
Appendix C. Glossary