18.1.5 SecsPerRecord
Reports the data output interval for a data table.
18.1.6 SkippedRecord
Reports how many times records have been skipped in a data table. Array elements are in the
order that data tables are declared in the CRBasic program. Enter 0 to reset.
18.1.7 TimeStamp
Scan time that a record was generated.
NSEC data type
18.2 Status table system information
The Status table is an automatically created data table. View the Status table by connecting the
data logger to your computer (see
Making the software connection
(p. 51) for more information).
Most fields in the Status table are read only and of a numeric data type unless noted. Error
counters (for example, WatchdogErrors or SkippedScan) may be reset to 0 for troubleshooting
Status table values may be accessed programatically using
syntax. For example:
= Status.Fieldname
. For
18.2.1 Battery
Voltage (VDC) of the battery powering the system. Updates once per minute, when viewing the
Status table, or programatically.
18.2.2 CalGain
Array of floating-point values reporting calibration gain (mV) for each integration / range
18.2.3 CalOffset
Displays the offset calibration factor for the different voltage ranges.
18. Information tables and settings (advanced)