Tools for setting the data logger clock, sending programs, monitoring sensors, and on-
site viewing and collection of data is also included.
Data logger support software that supports a variety of communication options, manual
data collection, and data monitoring displays. Short Cut and CRBasic Editor are included
for creating data logger programs. PC400 does not support complex communications
options, such as phone-to-RF, PakBus® routing, or scheduled data collection.
Packet Data Protocol
period average
A measurement technique using a high-frequency digital clock to measure time dif-
ferences between signal transitions. Sensors commonly measured with period average
include water-content reflectometers.
Any device designed for use with the data logger. A peripheral requires the data logger
to operate. Peripherals include measurement, control, and data retrieval and com-
munication modules.
Programmable Gain Amplifier
A software utility that attempts to contact another device in a network.
pipeline mode
A CRBasic program execution mode wherein instructions are evaluated in groups of like
instructions, with a set group prioritization.
Appendix C. Glossary