The unit of resistance. Symbol is the Greek letter Omega (Ω). 1.0 Ω equals the ratio of 1.0
volt divided by 1.0 ampere.
Ohm's Law
Describes the relationship of current and resistance to voltage. Voltage equals the
product of current and resistance (V = I • R).
on-line data transfer
Routine transfer of data to a peripheral left on-site. Transfer is controlled by the program
entered in the data logger.
operating system
The operating system (also known as "firmware") is a set of instructions that controls the
basic functions of the data logger and enables the use of user written CRBasic programs.
The operating system is preloaded into the data logger at the factory but can be re-
loaded or upgraded by you using Device Configuration Utility software. The most recent
data logger operating system .obj file is available at www.campbellsci.com/downloads.
A loosely applied term. Denotes a) the information carrier generated by an electronic
sensor, b) the transfer of data from variable memory to final-data memory, or c) the trans-
fer of electric power from the data logger or a peripheral to another device.
output array
A string of data values output to final-data memory. Output occurs when the data table
output trigger is True.
output interval
The interval between each write of a record to a data table.
Appendix C. Glossary