Cyclic Redundancy Check
An optional memory drive that resides on a memory card.
Communication verification interval. The interval at which a PakBus® device verifies the
accessibility of neighbors in its neighbor list. If a neighbor does not communicate for a
period of time equal to 2.5 times the CVI, the device will send up to four Hellos. If no
response is received, the neighbor is removed from the neighbor list.
Digital to analog conversion. The process that translates digital voltage levels to analog
data bits
Number of bits used to describe the data and fit between the start and stop bit. Sensors
typically use 7 or 8 data bits.
data cache
The data cache is a set of binary files kept on the hard disk of the computer running the
data logger support software. A binary file is created for each table in each data logger.
These files mimic the storage areas in data logger memory, and by default are two times
the size of the data logger storage area. When the software collects data from a data log-
ger, the data is stored in the binary file for that data logger. Various software functions
retrieve data from the data cache instead of the data logger directly. This allows the sim-
ultaneous sharing of data among software functions.
Appendix C. Glossary