such as those produced by a nearby lightning strike. Earth ground is the preferred ref-
erence potential for analog voltage measurements. Note that most objects have a "an
electrical potential" and the potential at different places on the earth - even a few meters
away - may be different.
The sequential order in which bytes are arranged into larger numerical values when
stored in memory.
engineering units
Units that explicitly describe phenomena, as opposed to, for example, the data logger
base analog-measurement unit of millivolts.
Electrostatic discharge.
Environmental sensor station.
Application of a precise voltage, usually to a resistive bridge circuit.
execution interval
The time interval between initiating each execution of a given Scan() of a CRBasic pro-
gram. If the Scan() Interval is evenly divisible into 24 hours (86,400 seconds), it is syn-
chronized with the 24 hour clock, so that the program is executed at midnight and every
Scan() Interval thereafter. The program is executed for the first time at the first occurrence
of the Scan() Interval after compilation. If the Scan() Interval does not divide evenly into
24 hours, execution will start on the first even second after compilation.
execution time
Time required to execute an instruction or group of instructions. If the execution time of
a program exceeds the Scan() Interval, the program is executed less frequently than pro-
grammed and the Status table SkippedScan field will increment.
Appendix C. Glossary