Chapter 16: Radio Configuration (CLI)
Configuring and Viewing Radio PMs and Statistics
Page 16-271
The following command sets the XPI threshold for radio carrier 2 to 15:
radio[2/1]>modem set threshold-xpi-below threshold 15
Displaying ACM PMs (CLI)
To display ACM PMs in 15-minute intervals, enter the following command:
radio [x/x]>mrmc pm-acm show interval 15min
The following is a partial sample output of the
modem pm-acm show interval 15min
adio [2/1]>mrmc pm-acm show interval 15min
MRMC PM Table:
Interval Integrity Min profile Max profile Min bitrate Max bitrate
0 1 0 0 43389 43389
1 1 0 0 43389 43389
2 1 0 0 43389 43389
3 1 0 0 43389 43389
4 1 0 0 43389 43389
5 1 0 0 43389 43389
6 1 0 0 43389 43389
7 1 0 0 43389 43389
8 1 0 0 43389 43389
9 1 0 0 43389 43389
10 1 0 0 43389 43389
radio [2/1]>
To display ACM PMs in daily intervals, enter the following command:
radio [x/x]>mrmc pm-acm show interval 24hr
The following is sample output of the
modem pm-acm show interval 24hr
radio [2/1]>mrmc pm-acm show interval 24hr
MRMC PM Table: