Place in pail with pump inlet on the bottom.
Place screen on pail, position under the drain
with tubing and cord facing the upper right corner
of the Panel Pro.
Connect the 3/8 ID tubing from the coolant pump to the elbow near Y axis stepper
Connect the coolant pump power cord to the GFI connector on the back of the
Add about 3 gallons of coolant. The instructions on the Koolmist bottle indicate adding
4oz of Koolmist per gallon of tapwater. We recommend about 6 oz Koolmist per gallon.
Take note of the resulting color. Future coolant additions can be made by
approximating the color of the mix rather than exact measurement.
Check the coolant level before use by simply removing the lid and observing the level.
If it is less than about 2/3 full, add a gallon.
During use, if the coolant looks milky in the hose leading up to coolant spout, then the
pump is sucking air. Take a look at the screen to make sure it is not clogged, and clean
as required. Take care not too add too much coolant during cutting to prevent overflow
when all of the coolant drains into the pail.
The coolant level in the pail should cover the motor at all times for proper motor cooling.