The “1” position allows the computer to switch the ac power to the rear gfci
socket. The “0” position removes control from the switch thereby removing power from
the socket. Before performing any maintenance, remove the power cord from the SC2.
If the internal ac switch shorts, power could still be applied to the rear socket even with
the spindle switch off.
Positioning the Panel Pro:
Jog to the position you want to be 0,0 and hit the keyboard “r” key.
You can individually set the x or y axis to zero or to another position by clicking the x or
y position on the status bar. For instance you have a 1/8” hole that you know is located
at 5,3.4. Position the end mill so that it will fall freely into the 1/8” hole. Click the x
position and enter 5 on the form and click ok. Click the Y axis position and enter 3.4 on
the form and click ok. The position readouts should now say 5 and 3.4
Similarly if you have a panel blank that is clamped down and squared, you can move
the Y axis so a 1/8” end mill just clears the bottom edge of the panel and enter -.0625 in
the Y axis form. Using jog, move to the left side of the panel. Move the x axis with the
mouse wheel so that the end mill just clears the left edge. Set the X position to -.0625
AvCAM leaves the X and Y axis engaged at all times to avoid inadvertent loss of
position. It is possible to disable the x and y axis in machine > disable axis, but the
actual position may jump as much as .002 from the reported position when the axis are
Cut the panel:
Open the cut dxf file form.
Verify the correct layers are selected.
move options
and verify the correct cut and traverse speed are selected. (about
12 inches per minute cut speed for 1/8” 2024t3, and 200 to 250 inches per minute
traverse speed.
Ready? Click “cut the file”
The xy axis proceeds to the start of the first entity and cuts the file.
When complete, it will raise the z axis and stop the router and coolant.
Suspend cutting:
There are various reasons to stop cutting. One of the main ones is if a bit breaks.
Another is if you want to reposition clamps.
To stop, hit the ESC key. Motion stops, but z stays down and the router continues to