Draw a panel:
The preferred technique for measuring panel perimeters is to use the Measure Pro.
This is a discussion of techniques to hand measure a panel.
You have a 206 copilot’s panel to draw. Here is how. Place the panel on a large
piece of paper and draw a line around it with a fine tip pencil. Measure the easy parts
with a caliper if possible, or a good quality 24” steel rule. This panel is basically square
with a curve at the top. It measures 12.706 wide and 11.998 high (we used a 24”
caliper). On a new file make a line from 0,0 to 11.998,0 on layer 2, red color.
Draw another line from 12.706,0 to 0,0 for the bottom line.
Now draw vertical lines on your paper that are parallel with the left side line. Make the
distances easy to measure like 3.75. What we are trying to accomplish is to generate
the curve by defining control points. If a curve is real gentle, a point every couple
inches or so is sufficient. If the curve changes a lot, then we need points every half
inch or so. After the vertical lines are drawn measure the vertical distance where the
vertical drawn line intersects with the top curve.
Using those coordinates, draw circles on your screen. The circles should be about ½”
diameter for easy selection. We will remove them later.