Just remember when you do your tool changes to reset z zero, the end mill diameter
and cut depth.
It will take some practice to absorb the methods discussed and become proficient.
The safest approach is to set your z depth more shallow than expected and reset and
repeat as required.
Check list:
Draw the file. Inside cuts on any layer NOT named outside. All outside cuts
must be on the layer called outside. Save the file to dxf. If your CAD does not
close the DXF file when saving, it must be explicitly closed. EasyCAD and
DraftSight properly close the file on saving.
Open the File in AvCAM.
Select the layer(s) you want to cut in this operation. If you are cutting
countersinks and or chamfers, it is preferable to have existing holes rather than
cutting all of the material with the countersink, so cut the inside cutouts and
leave the outside layer un-selected on this pass.
Set the end mill diameter in the cut dialog
Simulate the file
Install the tool on the router
Set the x/y zero. This only needs to be done once for the file.
Set the Z zero, verify retract level and cut depth. The retract may remain the
same for all tools, however the Z zero and cut depth will likely change for each
The Cut depth will change for different passes with the same tool if you are
making widely different sizes of countersinks.
Verify router switch is on and the spindle switch on the controller is on.
Verify cut speeds. The cut speed should be in the 12-18 IPM range.
Verify adequate coolant in tank and pump plugged in.
Repeat Z zero, cut depth and end mill diameter settings for each tool change.