AutoCAD file issues.
When you open a New file, it will be a dwg type. You can save it as dxf, but it will hold
the dxf file open. It must be explicitly closed in autocad before another program such
as AvCAM can read it.
Creating a cutfile:
We now have a 560 pilots panel and an ati3 instrument in our library. To assemble
library parts into a cut panel proceed as follows.
Open a new drawing.
From the Insert > block > browse menu, specify the file 560(dwg or dxf) and insert it at
Insert the file ati3 at 3,6.
Insert the file ati3 at 9,6.
Insert the file ati3 at 3,11.
Insert the file ati3 at 9,11.
Or use the various snap options.
Blocks are supported in AvCAM with these limitations. They can be nested only one
deep. That means that a block may contain blocks, but no deeper nesting is allowed.
Depending on the drawing complexity, rotated blocks MAY work. Rotated blocks that
include engraved text will probably not work. Simulate in AvCAM to verify.
Save the file as DXF.
Close the file in AutoCAD.
Open AvCAM.
Open the cut dialog. Verify the endmill size. Verify auto tool path is checked. Click
AutoCAD and DXF are trade marks of Autodesk, Inc.
Trouble shooting
Bit breaks: