Brocade MLX Series and Brocade NetIron XMR Hardware Installation Guide
Enabling and disabling management module CPU usage calculations
Brocade# power-on lp 1
To re-enable power on all interface modules, enter the following command.
Brocade# power-on lp all
In this output example, there is one interface module in slot 3 and slot 3 is powered on.
Brocade# power-on lp all
Slot 3 is powering on.
rw_power_on_lp: write 00070004 to RW_MBRIDGE_CARD_POWER_OFF_REG
Syntax: power-on lp [
The <
> parameter indicates the slot number for which you are re-enabling the
power. You can specify 1 – 4 for 4-slot routers, 1 – 8 for 8-slot routers, 1 – 16 for 16-slot
routers, or 1 – 32 for 32-slot routers.
The all parameter allows you to power on all interface modules.
Enabling and disabling management module CPU usage calculations
You can enable the router to perform usage averaging calculations on tasks handled by CPU on the
management module. You can then display usage averages for all tasks performed by the CPU on
the management module for an interval of up to one hour. You can display these statistics using
the show cpu command.
Typically, these statistics are used for debugging purposes.
By default, the performance of the calculations is disabled. When disabled, you can use the show
cpu command without optional parameters to display usage averages for all tasks performed by
CPU on the management module.
The cpu-usage command must be configured in order to poll the MP CPU utilization.
To enable the usage averaging calculations, enter the following command at the global CONFIG
level of the CLI.
Brocade(config)# cpu-usage on
Syntax: cpu-usage on
To disable the usage averaging calculations, enter the following command at the global CONFIG
level of the CLI.
Brocade(config)# cpu-usage off
Syntax: cpu-usage off
When you are finished gathering statistics for debugging purposes, it is recommended that you
disable the usage averaging calculations, which are CPU-intensive and can affect the performance
of the management module.