en | System Informations 1
AMAX panel 2000 / AMAX panel 2000 EN
F.01U.241.127 | V4 | 2011.12
Installation Manual
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
To program the control panel for remote connection with callback verification:
Program the Call Back Telephone Number in Location 154 – 169 .
Start using remote program in Location 153.
Remotely Arm/Disarm System by Programming Softwares
Programming softwares can be used to arm/disarm system and User Code 20 is used to send
the arming/disarming reports.
Domestic Dialing
The domestic dialing telephone numbers are stored in Location 120 – 135, which can store up
to 16 digits.
Domestic Dialing Function
Only one dialing telephone number will be supported.
When the control panel is activated into zone tamper/ zone alarm, it dials the programmed
telephone number.
All alarm events only need one report/acknowledgement.
The transmission sequence is repeated until the control panel receives an acknowledgement
The control panel automatically hangs up after 45 seconds if it cannot dectect the
acknowledgement tone. And redial later.
The user presses [#] between two acknowledegement tones to confirm the alarming.
The acknowledgement tone is the DTMF signal sent by the remote user with the [#] .
If the control panel got the [#] acknowledgement from the user, it will send 2 seconds long
beep as acknowledge tone and hang up the line.
Reporting Formats
Transmission Formats
The AMAX panel 2000 / AMAX panel 2000 EN provides two kinds of transmission formats,
Contact ID and CFSK format, for its dialing and communication features. Program the
transmission format for Receiver 1, 2, 3 and 4 separately in Location 023, Location 053,
Location 083 and Location 113(refer to Section 7.7.4 Receiver 1 - 4 Transmission Format,
page 53).The control panel is set at the factory to report in the Contact ID Format.
Contact ID Format
Contact ID Format can identify hundreds of zones by their unique codes. This format provides
a single-digit Event Qualifier and a three-digit Event Code that quickly identifies the reported
In general, Contact ID Format is very simple because most of the Event Codes and Point ID
Codes are predefined. The base station software usually can identify an alarmed zone by its
Point ID Code and usually pays little attention to the Event Code.
Contact ID Message Format
ACCT = Subscriber ID
MT = Message type, H
Q = Event Qualifier
1= New event or Opening
3= New restore or Closing
6= Previously reported off-normal event