PHENIX green
Quality wood:
- Is dry wood that has been seasoned for at least two years in a ventilated storage area.
- Use hardwood logs rather than resinous ones which tend to burn quickly and produce a lot of soot. By
order of preference use: hornbeam, oak, or beech.
- Logs made from pressed wood chips, or briquettes, can also be used.
The quality and dampness of the wood used are of utmost
importance to making an optimal fi re (yield and heating power,
window cleanliness).
Overloading will result in:
- A lower yield and greater wood consumption
- Signifi cant loss of heat through the chimney
- Premature ageing of the fi replace and of the chimney fl ue
4.3.1 Starting a fi re
1. Fully open the air fl ow: position the thermostat on 9 using the tool-handle (see below)
2. Put in fi re-starter or crumpled newspaper. Put kindling on top. Do not use fl ammable liquids to
start the fi re.
3. Light the fi re
4. To avoid smoke condensation on the window when the fi re is lit: Leave the door slightly open to
avoid smoking up the window. Its cooler temperature will cause condensation and soot build-up.
5. Wait until the kindling is burning well then LOAD the fi rst logs, starting with the smallest ones.
6. Shut the door when there are nice fl ames and the glass is hot enough.
7. Once the fi re is lively, turn on the fan (Speed controller “ON”).
8. Once the fi replace is hot, set the thermostat to the desired position.
9. Set the fan speed for the amount of hot air needed.