Phenix green
Whether natural or forced, convection must be supplied by an air intake in the lower part of the
fi tting. The minimum size is 400 cm2 (open passageway). This minimum size must be increased
when using a grille or a fi lter (400 cm2 of open passageway = 600 cm² with a standard grille with a
permeability coeffi cient of 66%).
If the fi replace takes both its combustion AND its convection air from the same room, plan for air
intakes in the fi replace fi tting suffi cient for the two circuits (see above).
For forced convection (with a fan), air intakes (C) illustrated below must be plugged before installing
the fi replace. They are only intended for use in natural convection confi gurations.
Convection air intake
(with or without fan)
This air ensures that the fi replace will not overheat, potentially resulting in signifi cant damage. This
fl ow of cold air circulates from bottom to top inside and around the fi replace (openings D open).
The open space recommended in the paragraph on recessing (see above and the certifi cate of
compliance) enables decompression air to fl ow around the fi replace. An air inlet of minimum 400
cm² must be planned for at the bottom of the recess (in addition to the other air intakes mentioned
above) and an outlet of the same size must be planned for at the top.
WARNING: A fi replace which is not correctly aerated/ventilated can become deformed by overheating
when it is used often at a high burn rate. This type of deformation can signifi cantly hinder the
operation of the fi replace and even permanently damage it.