28-6-2011 12 033000=13069F
3. When the PIN code has been entered correctly, the word
will show up on the
4. Press OK. The display now reads
5. Press the ARM button on your key chain remote control. The console will beep to confirm.
The display will read
If you have more than 1 remote control installed, it will show e.g.
. You can register up to 16 remote controls.
6. Repeat step 5 for every remote control you wish to register.
7. Press CLEAR to go back to the first menu item. Press CLEAR again to quit the menu. To
confirm your choice, press 1 for Yes or 2 for No. If you choose Yes, you will quit the menu. If you
choose No, you go back to the first menu item. .
You can also remove remote controls from the menu, e.g. when you have lost a remote
control. This method is described in 8.2.
3.2 Comfort Remote Control SH600
1. Panic
When this key is pressed, an immediate alarm will be initiated by the Security System
2. Control Indicator
Comes on when the remote control sends a radio signal when keys are pressed. When the
indicator blinks only weakly, the batteries have to be replaced.
3. Control Keys
To control the Security System and the Home Automation Modules.
4. Dimming Key
To control the light level of lamps which are connected to Lamp Modules.
5. Mode Switch
The position of this switch defines the functions of the control keys.
Position SEC:
The top three buttons get the alarm function as described on the remote control. The next 5
buttons (1…5) are for controlling Home Automation Modules with corresponding addresses.
(Unit Code 1 t/m 5).
Position 1:
1…8: For controlling Home Automation Modules with corresponding addresses. (UC 1 t/m 8).
Position 2 :
9…16: For controlling Home Automation Modules with corresponding addresses. (UC 9 t/m 16).
6. Text window
On the piece of paper behind the plastic cover of the text window, you can note which
Home Automation Modules can be controlled with each key.
7. House Code Switch
Used for setting the X10 system Address.