Chapter 6
Data Save and Export
Saving and Recalling FlightHawk-AV Status Data
FlightHawk-AV status, calibration result, and tracing data can be saved to the
instrument, and can be recalled to be displayed on the sweep display area.
The parameters for this instrument setting include: scale, trace, cursor and
analysis. These parameters are saved in the status files.
Trace Data in CSV File Format
FlightHawk-AV can track data of a single trace and then save the data as a
comma delimited values (CSV) file. The CSV file contains a list of data separated
by commas. The current format and response trajectory under the incentive
value is stored in the CSV file.
Trace data is saved in the following format to the *.CSV file:
F[n] = Frequency about point N.
Data1 = Trace response value, Real part
Data2 = 0,Imaginary part
Trace Data S1p File
FlightHawk-AV can save the parameters to the S1p file. The S1p file contains the
frequency value and S-parameter. S1p files are used to store a single port
parameter. Only one path of data is saved to the file.
s1p files are used for importing into the SiteHawk PC Tool software. Once
imported, Markers and limit lines can be added, the scaling can be modified, and
reports can be generated.
The file contains a comments, title and track data lines. Comments are indicated
using an exclamation "!" mark. Title of the start of the data is indicated using a
pound "#" sign with the data following.
Do not connect the unit to a PC USB port.
File transfer must be done using a USB Drive.