Belanger®, Inc. *PO BOX 5470 *Northville, MI 48167-5470 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681
Water Connection: Main Feed to H2AIR® Water Manifold
1) Route two (2) field supplied
3/4” Water Hoses from the Main Water Supply out to the Water
Manifold on the top of the H2AIR® Arch.
Retrieve the two 3/4” Hose Clamps from the Accessory Box.
3) Before connecting the Main Water Hoses to the Manifold run water through the hoses to flush out
any unwanted debris that may be in the lines.
Using the 3/4” Clamps secure the water hoses to the two 3/4” elbow fittings on the Water
Manifold, as shown in the image below.
3/4" Main
Water Hoses
Water Manifold
Step 4
Use the 3/4” Hose Clamps to
secure the Main Feed Water
hoses to the Water Manifold.
Step 2
Get the two ¾” Hose Clamps
from the Acessory Box.