Programming Commander Pro
Operating Instructions 1280-7/1281-7 - 00.0 - 01/2023
Reduced speed of roll-out device
Reduced speed of roll-out device in rpm during chain cut.
Value range: 0-100 %
Distance with lowered roll-out device while
chain cut
Distance in cm with lowered roll-out device while chain cut.
Value range: 1.0 - 20.0 cm
Speed of roll-out device after chain cut
Speed of roll-out device in rpm after chain cut.
Value range: 30-100 %
Correction of chain length at seam end
Correction of chain length at seam end in cm. This serves to improve the quality of the seam and increase produc-
tivity, as no manual trimming of the chain is necessary. Unnecessarily long chain overhang is corrected here.
Default: 1cm
Value range: 0.0-10.0 cm
Pneumatic edge guide, for manual
fabric cutting
The edge guide for manual guiding and trim-
ming of the material edge is used for serging
front trousers side seams. The pocket open-
ings are already prefabricated. Only the pocket
bag overhang is trimmed.
Value range: ON/OFF
Seam length until edge guide rises after...
Input of the seam length without edge guide for trimming
the material edge. This should correspond approximately to
the length of the pocket bag
Default: 25 cm
Value range: 1-1000 cm