4 - 1
The FBS analog inputs are calibrated in the factory, eliminat-
ing the need for calibration during installation. However, from
time to time (during plant maintenance and routine calibration
checks), the module analog inputs may need adjustment. Use
the calibration procedure in this section to check the FBS
This calibration procedure is only necessary for analog inputs
using either the NIAI04 termination module or NTAI05 termi-
nation unit. This calibration is not necessary when only the
field bus operating mode is used with the NTFB01 termination
The following items are required to calibrate the FBS module:
Power supply with digital display and fine voltage adjust-
ment to one millivolt.
Function Code Application Manual
Adjusting R22
Adjusting potentiometer R22 calibrates the analog input cir-
cuitry on the FBS module. This procedure is valid for any FBS
input span. To adjust R22 to calibrate
the FBS inputs:
1. Select an input channel to calibrate. The example proce-
dure uses FBS input channel one. Calibrating any one of the
15 analog inputs calibrates all inputs.
2. Place the controlling module (MFP/MFC) in its configure
mode. Go to the block address of function code 132 containing
the specifications for the selected input channel.
3. Set function code 132 specifications for the channel being
calibrated to:
a. Input signal type = 1 (1 to 5 VDC input signal).
b. EU zero = 1.0 (EU zero for the selected input).
EU span = 4.0 (EU span for the selected input).