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SAMPLE TARE waits a fixed time after lid closure and records the starting sample
weight. Obtaining an accurate Sample Tare is crucial for low moisture samples.
The following options are available:
High Volatile is used for high volatile materials that evaporate during the Sample
Tare. During the Sample Tare, the rate of evaporation is measured, the rate is
used to calculate the amount that has evaporated during the tare, and the amount
is added back into the starting weight to produce a more accurate Sample Tare.
Standard is used for most samples.
Ultra Low Moisture can be used for samples with < 0.1% moisture.
SPECIAL TARE options are:
Normal Tare is used for most samples.
Syringe Tare is used to obtain an accurate sample tare for materials that rapidly
evaporate during the sample loading process. To use this feature, an external
balance with 0.0001 gram (0.1 mg) resolution is required. Typically the test
process is as follows:
Load the syringe with the sample and place it on the external balance.
Tare the balance to zero out the weight of the loaded syringe.
Start a test with the desired Test Program that uses Syringe Tare.
When prompted to load the sample, discharge the sample onto the sample pan
from the syringe.
While the test is running, reweigh the syringe on the external balance. The
displayed value will correspond to the initial sample weight, but it will be
negative (due to the taring of the loaded syringe).
When the test completes, the instrument will prompt for the initial weight of the
sample. Drop the negative sign and input the value from the previous step.
The instrument will then use the manually entered sample weight to compute
the results, eliminating any discrepancy due to sample evaporation during the
loading process.
Syringe Tare Test Programs cannot be linked with other Test Programs.
Foil Tare is used when a sample of sprayed material, such as paint, is to be tested.
Up to 50 pieces of foil can be pre-weighed and stored before the sample is applied.
At the start of a test, the user selects a Sample Foil from a list of stored foils. The
weight of the foil is subtracted from the measured weight, giving the true weight of
the sprayed sample. See section