The ADSP-2100 family is a collection of programmable single-chip
microprocessors that share a common base architecture optimized for
digital signal processing (DSP) and other high-speed numeric processing
applications. The various family processors differ principally in the type
of on-chip peripherals they add to the base architecture. On-chip memory,
a timer, serial port(s), and parallel ports are available in different members
of the family. In addition, the ADSP-21msp58/59 processors include an
on-chip analog interface for voiceband signal conversion.
This manual provides the information necessary to understand and
evaluate the processors’ architecture, and to determine which device best
meets your needs for a particular application. Together with the data
sheets describing the individual devices, this manual provides all the
information required to design a DSP system. Complete reference material
for programmers is also included.
Functional Units
Table 1.1 on the following page lists the main functional units of the
ADSP-21xx architecture, and shows which functions are included on each
of the processors.
• Computational Units—Every processor in the ADSP-2100 family
contains three independent, full-function computational units: an
arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), a multiplier/accumulator (MAC) and a
barrel shifter. The computational units process 16-bit data directly and
also provide hardware support for multiprecision computations.
• Data Address Generators & Program Sequencer—Two dedicated address
generators and a program sequencer supply addresses for on-chip or
external memory access. The sequencer supports single-cycle
conditional branching and executes program loops with zero
overhead. Dual data address generators allow the processor to
generate simultaneous addresses for dual operand fetches.
Together the sequencer and data address generators keep the
computational units continuously working, maximizing throughput.
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