Cleaning optical components
Goldeye G/CL Technical Manual V4.2.0
Use of compressed air
Figure 83: How not to use compressed air
As a general precaution, you should never use compressed air to clean a camera.
If you want to use compressed air despite of all warnings, consider the following:
Use an air blower or compressed air only if you are familiar with cleaning a
camera with this instrument.
Compressed air may blow dust into cameras and lenses.
High pressure air may crack the sensor or optical filter you want to clean.
Therefore, keep the pressure at a moderate strength only.
The pressure at the tube should be less than 1 bar
Operating distance: 5 to 30 cm
The pressurized air must be dust-filtered and oil-free.
Use ionized air only to avoid any static charge.
Also, using ionized air helps to remove any dirt stuck to the optical component
because of static electricity.