Alcorn McBride A/V Binloop Uncompressed User’s Manual
Page 52
This option stops the SMPTE interface as well as the reproducers. A
confirmation window appears with
SMPTE Configuration…
The SMPTE Configuration window allows you to set all of the parameters
associated with the Binloop’s SMPTE interface.
Frame Rate
This is the Frame Rate used for generating SMPTE. The choices are
23.976, 24, 25, 29.97, 30-drop, and 30 frames-per-second.
Read External SMPTE
This button configures the SMPTE interface to Read incoming SMPTE
from the SMPTE In connector.
Generate SMPTE
This button configures the SMPTE interface to Generate timecode. This
timecode is used internally to process the timecode triggers, and is also
fed to the SMPTE Out connector.