Air Flow Recommendations
Mounting OS6855-24 and OS6855-U24/U24X
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OmniSwitch 6855 Series Hardware Users Guide
September 2011
Chassis Air Flow for OS6855-U24
Chassis Air Flow - OS6855-U24
1. Air Intake.
The chassis fans pull
air from the main air intake vent
located at the top-front of the chassis.
2. Air Flow.
The air from the
intake vent is directed
through the chassis past the
circuit board. This air flow
provides required cooling for
chassis components.
3. Air Exhaust.
The air flow
is exhausted through the lou-
vered fan exhaust vents at the
top-rear of the chassis.
Air Intake Vent
Louvered Exhaust Vents
Front of Chassis