Mounting OS6855-14/P14 and OS6855-U10 Switches Rack-Mounting OS6855-14/P14 and OS6855-U10 Switches
OmniSwitch 6855 Series Hardware Users Guide
September 2011
page 4-13
DC-PoE Power Supply Mounting
Due to the height of the DC PoE power supply it cannot be secured using the power supply retaining strap.
Instead, it is secured directly to the power supply tray with screws. Additionally, a different power supply
retaining strap is provided for securing the system power supply.
Mounting DC PoE Power Supply - Front View
Mounting DC PoE Power Supply - Rear View
DC PoE Power Supply
Retaining strap and screws
for system power supply.
Secure directly to
power supply tray with screws
Retaining strap and screws
for system power supply.
DC PoE Power Supply
Secure directly to power supply
tray with screws