Managing OmniSwitch 6855 Series Stacks
Synchronizing Switches in a Stack
OmniSwitch 6855 Series Hardware Users Guide
September 2011
page 7-37
Synchronizing Switches in a Stack
Management module synchronization refers to the process of copying all files in the
directories of the primary management module to the
directories of all the other switches in the stack. The system and configuration software on the non-
primary switches—i.e., the secondary management module and any modules operating in idle—is over-
The synchronization process ensures that the contents of these directories match exactly for all switches
across the stack. This can be especially useful after new software has been loaded to the primary manage-
ment module. Further, synchronization prevents any switch from assuming a management role within the
stack with incorrect or outdated software or configuration files. Because the primary switch’s “last known
good” software is propagated to all switches, the synchronization process helps ensure effective redun-
dancy across the stack.
In order to maintain effective management module redundancy, switches in the stack must be synchro-
nized at all times. To determine whether a stack is in need of synchronization, use the
show running-
command. For example:
-> show running-configuration
Running CMM : PRIMARY,
Current CMM Slot : 1,
Running configuration : WORKING,
Certify/Restore Status : CERTIFY NEEDED
Running Configuration : NOT AVAILABLE,
Stacks Reload on Takeover: PRIMARY ONLY
This example shows a switch on which the /flash directories between the management modules are not
synchronized. To manually synchronize all switches in the stack, enter the following command:
-> copy working certified flash-syncro
When the synchronization process is initiated, modules within the stack continue to operate without inter-
ruption and data flow across the stack is unaffected.
Automatic Synchronization During a Full Reload
If the checksum value on the stack’s non-primary switches differs in any way from the checksum value on
the primary switch, the primary switch automatically distributes its system and configuration software to
all other switches in the stack whenever a full reload is executed.
For more information on initiating a full reload, see
“Reloading All Switches in a Stack” on page 7-32
For more information on management module synchronization and managing the /flash/working
and /flash/certified directories, refer to the “Managing CMM Directory Content” chapter in the
Management Guide