LanCam Button Overview
Use To
LanCam Setting:
to configure IP/ Port Number associated to a selected device, it
displays the information set in Add LanCam button for further modify
Remove LanCam:
to remove the configuration of a selected LanCam including the
image under it.
HW Password:
to change the User Name or Password of selected LanCam from AirLive
CamPro Express or to sync with the direct change in device.
LanCam Setting Overview
When select Camera Image icon in System Setup area, the buttons display in Menu Bar as following:
Use To
Image Setting:
to configure frame per second of recording and activate schedule recording
for that camera image.
Remove Image:
to remove all the configuration of a selected camera image.
Image Alarm:
to set alarm action when alarm is detected on selected camera image.
Preset Setting:
to set preset point under preset setting.
Motion Detection:
to specify area for detecting motion.
Image Quality:
to configure the contrast, hue, brightness and resolution of camera image.