Technical Bulletin
Battery Replacement Policy
Date: 11/05/2019
Proprietary and Confidential Information
Technical Bulletin
Battery Replacement Policy
CenTrak devices are designed to work exclusively with authorized batteries purchased from CenTrak*.
All battery replacements for Tags, Monitors, Virtual Walls, and Exciters, must use the authorized
replacement battery listed in the CenTrak device catalog and can be obtained for your particular
devices from CenTrak sales representatives, account management, and the CenTrak Webstore at
centrakstore.com. CenTrak has obtained assurances from our manufacturers to ensure batteries will
meet the stringent requirements to properly operate all technical aspects of CenTrak devices.
Voiding of Warranty
Proper battery usage and replacement practices help ensure devices can continue to be covered by
the CenTrak warranty. Failure to comply will result in termination (voiding) of device warranty. Please
refer to the CenTrak Warranty for more detailed information.
Definition of an Unauthorized Battery
Batteries purchased from sources other than CenTrak or a CenTrak Authorized Reseller, even if
the battery is the same brand and model as the authorized battery.
Authorized batteries that did not follow proper battery storage guidelines or surpassed their
shelf-life expectancy.
Mixing of new authorized batteries and unauthorized batteries for devices that utilize more than
one battery.
Using different brand batteries in monitors than what came with the monitor, even if the battery
is authorized battery. Different brand batteries can be indicated by battery color.
* Using authorized batteries purchased from CenTrak will have assurances that include the device production date, shipping
and storage conditions, and direct shipment from the manufacturer. Batteries purchased from commercially available sites
such as Amazon, Batteries Plus, BattDepot, etc. (even if these are of the same brand, make and model number as CenTrak) are
not acceptable replacements. Batteries from a single manufacturer can vary greatly in performance and may not meet CenTrak
standards for manufacturing, storage and handling.