R3765/67G Series Network Analyzer Operation Manual
7.10 Software Fixture Function (OPT 71/72)
7.10 Software Fixture Function (OPT 71/72)
7.10.1 Overview
OPT 71 and OPT 72 allow you to analyze the characteristics of a device under test (DUT) mea-
sured with an instrument impedance of 50ɹ by converting them into an arbitrary impedance us-
ing the impedance function. In addition, assuming that an arbitrary matching circuit is attached,
the characteristics of a DUT can be measured using the matching circuit function. Furthermore,
the characteristics of a DUT itself can be measured by eliminating the effect of the measurement
jig using the network elimination function. In combination with OPT 11(built-in 3-port test set) or
OPT 14 (built-in 4-port test set), they can easily be analyzed as balanced parts and floating parts
(for example 2-port unbalanced parts). Note that only OPT 71 has a measurement function for
balanced or floating parts.
Figure 7-11 Measurement Flow Used with OPT 71