Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
You create, edit, and preview an index by using the Index palette. The palette includes two
modes: Reference and Topic. In Reference mode, the preview area displays index entries for the
current document or book. In Topic mode, the preview area displays topics only, not page num-
bers or cross-references.
You can create or import a list of topics to use as a starting point when creating index entries.
Later, when you add entries to the index, you can select topics from the topic list (instead of typ-
ing them each time) to ensure that information is consistently indexed throughout your docu-
ment or book. Creating a topic list before you add index entries is optional. Each time you create
an index entry, its topic is automatically added to the topic list for future use.
You create and edit a topic list by using the Index palette in Topic mode. Topic mode displays
topics only. To preview index entries with their associated page numbers and cross-references,
use Reference mode. This mode is helpful for getting an idea of what the final index will look
like. Topics in the topic list appear in the Index Entry dialog box as well. To create an index
entry, simply select a topic and then associate it with a page or cross-reference. Unused topics
(those without pages or cross-references) are excluded when you generate an index.