Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
The New Document dialog box in InDesign CS2 has many of the same controls as the Document
Setup dialog box in PageMaker, plus several additional controls. For example, in InDesign CS2
you can add a master text frame to document pages, which makes it easy to flow text from page
to page in a multipage document. You can also specify the number of columns, and if you click
the More Options button, you can specify the size of the on-screen bleed area around document
pages, as well as a slug area. The slug area is used for instructions to the printer, sign-off forms, or
other information related to a document that is discarded when the document is trimmed to its
final page size.
The New Document dialog box (File > New > Document) lets you specify settings for a new document. You can
also save your settings as presets and choose a preset to quickly apply custom settings.
Saving new document settings
The Save Preset button in the New Document dialog box lets you save document settings for page
size, columns, margins, and bleed and slug areas as a document preset. Document presets save
time and ensure consistency when creating similar documents. The document presets you save
are displayed on the Document Preset menu. For example, if you specify settings for a business
card in the New Document dialog box, you can save the settings as a preset so that when you need
to create another business card, you can simply choose the preset you saved from the Document
Preset menu. InDesign CS2 also lets you save a document preset to a separate file and distribute
it other users. To save and load document preset files, use the Save and Load buttons in the
Document Presets dialog box (File > Document Presets > Define).
Numbering pages
One control that’s available in the Document Setup dialog box in PageMaker—the Start Page #
field—is not available in the New Document dialog box in InDesign CS2. With InDesign CS2,
you first create the document and then use the Numbering & Section Options command (Layout
menu) to specify page numbering.
Changing document setup
In PageMaker, if you want to change any of the settings you made in the Document Setup dialog
box after you begin working on a document, you choose the Document Setup command (File
menu). In InDesign CS2, you can choose Document Setup (File menu) to change a document’s
size, to enable or disable the Facing Pages checkbox, to specify a different number of pages, and
to change the bleed and slug areas. If you want to change a document’s margins or columns, use
the Margin and Columns command (Layout menu).