Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
In addition to creating object styles, you can set the default style applied to the drawing tools.
To set the default style applied to new text frames, drag the text frame icon (the square box with
a “T” within) displayed on the right side of the Object Styles palette list to the object style you
want to use. The next time you create a text frame with the Type tool, the object style that has the
text frame icon will be used. To set the default style applied to new graphic frames created with
the Rectangle tool, the Ellipse tool, or the Polygon tool, drag the graphics frame icon (the empty
square) displayed on the right side of the Object Styles palette to the object style you want to use.
The next time you create a new frame with the Rectangle, Ellipse, or Polygon tool, the object style
that has the graphics frame icon will be used.
The options available for object styles are similar to those available for character and paragraph
styles. For example, you can change an object style by choosing Redefine Object Style after manually
modifying an object that’s been styled using an object style, and you can break the link between
an object and the object style used to format it. You can also use the Load Object Style command
in the Object Styles palette menu to import object styles from other InDesign documents.