Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
Similarly, when you place a text file, you can place the text into an existing frame or create a new
one. The current selection determines where the text is placed:
• If the text insertion point is flashing, the imported text is inserted at the text insertion point.
• If text is highlighted, the imported text replaces the highlighted text if Replace Selected Item is
selected in the Place dialog box. If this option is not selected, the loaded text icon is displayed.
You can click or drag the loaded text icon to flow text onto your pages. For more information,
see “Flowing text” on pages 26.
• If an object is selected or if nothing is selected, a loaded text icon is displayed when you click Open
in the Place dialog box. You can click or drag the loaded text icon to flow text onto your pages.
Selecting and modifying frames and graphics
To select a frame in InDesign CS2, choose the Selection tool, and then click within the frame.
To select an unassigned, colorless frame, you must click the edge of the frame. To select a master
text frame on a document page, hold down Ctrl+Shift (Windows) or Shift (Mac OS)
and click within the frame. To select a graphic within a graphics frame, select the Direct Selection
tool or the Position tool, and then click the graphic.
Here are a few tips for modifying frames and graphics within frames:
• Dragging a frame handle with the Selection tool resizes the frame, but not the graphic inside.
To transform both the frame and its contents, make sure Transform Content is selected in
the Transform palette menu (Window > Transform) and use the Scale tool or hold down Ctrl
(Windows) or Command (Mac OS) while dragging a frame handle with the Selection tool.
Also hold down the Shift key to maintain the proportions of the frame and content as you drag.
• To change the shape of a frame, use the Direct Selection tool to select it, and then drag any of
the frame’s handles. Use the Pen tools to add and delete anchor points.
• To modify a graphic without affecting its frame, use the Direct Selection tool to select the
graphic, and then drag any of its handles to resize it. Use the transform tools, the Transform
palette (Window > Object & Layout > Transform), or the Transform commands in the Object
menu to move, scale, rotate, or shear the graphic. The frame acts as a “window” through which
you view the graphic. The parts of the graphic that are outside the frame are cropped and do not
appear in the layout. If you pause before dragging a graphic, InDesign displays a ghosted pre-
view of the cropped area so you can more easily adjust what’s visible within the graphics frame.
• To move a graphic within a frame, to resize a graphic without affecting the frame, or to change
the size of the frame, use the Position tool. The Position tool functions similarly to the Crop
tool in PageMaker.
• You can resize a graphic and its frame at the same time by selecting the frame with the Selection
tool, and then changing values in the Horizontal and Vertical Scale fields in the Control palette
or the Transform palette. Before resizing, make sure Transform Content is selected in the
palette’s menu.
• You can add a stroke to a frame to create a keyline around a graphic or a border around text. To
add a stroke, make sure the Stroke icon is selected in the toolbox, the Swatches palette (Window
> Swatches), or the Color palette (Window > Color), and then use the Control palette or the
Stroke palette (Window > Stroke) to specify the width of the stroke and the stroke style. Use the
Swatches palette, the Color palette, or the Gradient palette (Window > Gradient) to apply color
to a stroke.
• You can use the Paste Into command (Edit menu) to paste a copied object or group into a path.
The path into which you paste the copied object acts as a clipping path for the pasted object or
group. The pasted object/group is said to be
within the path.
• You can use the Object > Fitting commands to center a graphic within a frame. The fitting options
are: Fit Content To Frame, Fit Frame To Content, Center Content, Fit Content Proportionally,
and Fill Frame Proportionally.