Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
Section 3: Setting Up Documents
After you open a new document, you’ll probably want to do some initial setup work before you
begin adding text and graphics and laying out pages. For example, if you’re creating a newsletter
and you want to use different page layouts, your first task is to adjust the columns and margins
on one of the pages. If you’re creating a longer document, such as a newspaper, magazine, or
catalog, you’ll want to build a master page or even multiple master pages, so that you can quickly
add new formatted pages and choose among different page layouts. And if you’ll be working on
longer documents, knowing how to navigate quickly between pages is crucial. In this section,
you’ll learn several basic setup tasks and how to navigate within a document.
Setting up margins, columns, and guides
Most designers use guidelines to help them place and align objects on a page. Both PageMaker
and InDesign CS2 automatically display guidelines for margins and columns and let you add
custom guidelines by dragging guides from the rulers and by building custom guide sets.
Setting margins
When you create a new document, both PageMaker and InDesign CS2 allow you to specify
margin settings in the New Document dialog box (File > New > Document). InDesign CS2 also
lets you specify column settings (the number of columns and gutter width) when creating a
new document, while in PageMaker you use the Column Guides dialog box (Layout > Column
Guides) to specify column settings.
You can specify the default margin settings for a new document in the New Document dialog box (File >
New > Document).
You can specify default settings for selected pages in the Margins and Columns dialog box (Layout > Margins
and Columns).
To change margin settings in PageMaker, you use the Document Setup dialog box. Any changes
you make are applied to the document master pages and all document pages that are based on
the document master page. In InDesign CS2, you use the Margins and Columns dialog box to
change margin settings for a document, and any changes you make are applied only to the pages
selected in the Pages palette (Window > Pages). For more information about the Pages palette,
see “Working with master pages” on page 18.